Welcome to the pages dedicated to our movie. It was created for the song written by my friend at the age of sixteen. The song is good, really good. My friend played the song solely on the guitar, but I thought that the song could be much better. That's how the idea of making the clip to the song was born.
Making this movie would never have been possible without the time and effort put into it by almost sixty Tolkien fans from the Czech Republic. Many thanks to everyone who put their skills into the creation of this movie.
I am calling this a movie but technically speaking, it is actually a crossover between a movie and a video clip. The sound track consists of only the song, making it a video clip. However it is over seven minutes long and has final titles and a complex story, making it look like a movie.
The production of the movie took most of the year 2011, but it was not too intensive. The whole movie was shot during five "full" shooting days and several more short shooting sessions.
Contact: Michal Kára, lemming@ucw.cz
Niënor Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/nienor.niniel.movie